So, a bit curious about Moviezz?
Moviezz is a project born in 2020, built by a small team of French people who love cinema, movies & blindtest.
If you're here, it shouldn't be far-fetched to believe you to be a bit of a movie lover yourself.
With Moviezz, we wish to offer people like you a game dedicated to cinema.
On Moviezz, you'll find different movies categories, from blockbusters to cineclub, but also ephemeral and seasonal categories, just for the fun of it!
To summarize, it's a giant catalog of the most famous scenes from all of our favorite movies.
So, now the question is: are you already a movie expert, or are you going to git gud?
Either way, join us on Moviezz to have some fun and discover or rediscover the best movies
of all times.
The Moviezz team,